Aaa Rated Us Companies In 2011 Standard Poor s downgraded the United States credit rating from AAA to AA giving the U S a lower rating at that time than Canada Germany and the United Kingdom In fact two U S
List of credit ratings showing long mid term credit ratings for corporate bonds as reported by Fitch Ratings Moody s Investors Service and S P Global Luckily there are still two U S S P 500 companies left with perfect AAA credit ratings a key asset with interest rates on the rise Just two companies in the S P 500 Johnson
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Today just two publicly traded companies have been bestowed with the AAA credit rating by Standard Poor s Johnson Johnson The first well known company with the highest credit rating AA and AAA are two credit ratings provided by Standard and Poor s and Fitch signifying the highest credit quality AAA is the highest and one level above AA
AAA bonds are considered the safest debt by the three primary bond rating agencies Fitch Moody s and Standard Poors With thousands of institutions issuing bonds it would be safe to assume that As recently as 30 years ago investors could buy into more than five dozen publicly traded companies that bore the most coveted of all credit ratings AAA According to ratings agency
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Ratings agency Moody s on Tuesday upgraded Apple Inc s long term credit rating to AAA with a stable outlook citing the iPhone maker s exceptional liquidity and robust earnings AAA is the highest possible rating assigned to the bonds of an issuer by credit rating agencies such as Standard Poor s and Fitch Ratings Read more about these bonds
Fitch Ratings Chicago 20 Jan 2022 Fitch Ratings has affirmed Microsoft Corporation s Long Term Issuer Default Rating IDR and unsecured bonds at AAA Johnson Johnson JNJ is one of only two companies to hold the coveted AAA credit rating from Standard Poor s The other is Microsoft MFST This stellar credit rating is a testament to
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In 2011 Standard Poor s downgraded the United States credit rating from AAA to AA giving the U S a lower rating at that time than Canada Germany and the United Kingdom In fact two U S
List of credit ratings showing long mid term credit ratings for corporate bonds as reported by Fitch Ratings Moody s Investors Service and S P Global

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Aaa Rated Us Companies - AAA bonds are considered the safest debt by the three primary bond rating agencies Fitch Moody s and Standard Poors With thousands of institutions issuing bonds it would be safe to assume that