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Web To request a tax refund please contact Customer Service with a detailed request from the e mail address associated with the account after the order has been delivered Include Web 10 nov 2021 nbsp 0183 32 Le g 233 ant am 233 ricain de l Internet Amazon a annonc 233 avoir pay 233 plus de 600 millions d euros de pr 233 l 232 vements obligatoires en France en 2020 pour un chiffre d affaires de 7 3 milliards d euros
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Web 5 d 233 c 2021 nbsp 0183 32 Retail online giant Amazon has won an appeal in a European court over tax rebates it was awarded in Luxembourg ADVERTISEMENT The European Union said Web 31 janv 2020 nbsp 0183 32 Ces recettes repr 233 sentent 5 des b 233 n 233 fices contre 2 6 il y a deux ans Amazon fait notamment payer les marchands tiers de sa place de march 233 Ils paient pour 234 tre visibles pour
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Amazon Tax Rebates - Web 4 avr 2019 nbsp 0183 32 In 2018 Amazon paid 0 in U S federal income tax on more than 11 billion in profits before taxes It also received a 129 million tax rebate from the federal