Negative Rebate Web Negative Rebate definition Negative Rebate means fees paid by a Borrower for the use of certain securities despite having posted cash Collateral Negative Rebate means the
Web 21 oct 2021 nbsp 0183 32 Prime de remboursement n 233 gative La prime de remboursement correspond 224 la diff 233 rence entre le prix d acquisition d une obligation et le montant du Web Many translated example sentences containing quot negative rebate quot French English dictionary and search engine for French translations
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Web Rappel du contexte Pour un cas standard le montant de r 233 mun 233 ration nette fiscale RNF est strictement positif dans la mesure o 249 le cumul des cotisations et du pr 233 l 232 vement 224 la Web De tr 232 s nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant quot rebate quot Dictionnaire fran 231 ais anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions fran 231 aises
Web Fixed rebate rate Fixed interest rate rate agreed to be paid by the lender for the reinvestment of the cash collateral minus any lending fee paid by the lender of the Web 6 d 233 c 2017 nbsp 0183 32 The rebate is an agreed upon interest rate for holding the collateral and is lowered by a demand spread a function of the supply demand characteristics of the
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Web n discount on product rabais m on tax d 233 gr 232 vement m on rent r 233 duction f refund remboursement m rate rebate n British formerly d 233 gr 232 vement m sur la taxe Web 28 sept 2022 nbsp 0183 32 A stock loan rebate is a cash payment granted by a brokerage to a customer who lends stock as cash collateral to short sellers who need to borrow stock When a
Web Se dit de ce qui peut 234 tre consid 233 r 233 comme oppos 233 inverse Ion n 233 gatif Se dit d une image photographique sur laquelle les parties lumineuses des objets correspondent 224 des Web In extreme cases the rebate can be negative meaning investors who sell short have to make a daily payment to the lender for the right to borrow the stock instead of receiving
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Web Negative Rebate definition Negative Rebate means fees paid by a Borrower for the use of certain securities despite having posted cash Collateral Negative Rebate means the
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Negative Rebate - Web The first definition of rebate in the dictionary is a refund of a fraction of the amount payable or paid as for goods purchased in quantity discount Other definition of rebate is to