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Web Films supported When to collect the tax rebate The approval gives right to the tax rebate at the end of each fiscal year If the amount of the tax rebate exceeds the corporate Web 5 sept 2018 nbsp 0183 32 Cash Rebates Cash rebates are much simpler than tax credits Cash rebates are straightforward payments from the state to
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Web For example because soft money like tax rebates doesn t need to be paid back an equity investor fully financing a 1 million film might only need to actually commit say 800 000 with the rest being covered by the state
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Tax Credit Cash Rebate Film - Web 20 oct 2020 nbsp 0183 32 Les r 233 mun 233 rations 233 ligibles au cr 233 dit d imp 244 t cin 233 ma sont les r 233 mun 233 rations vers 233 es aux auteurs 233 num 233 r 233 s 224 l article L 113 7 du code de la propri 233 t 233 intellectuelle