Tax Rebate Def

Tax Rebate Def Web WR Reverse 1 WordReference English French Dictionary 169 2022 Un oubli important Signalez une erreur ou sugg 233 rez une am 233 lioration tax rebate 233 galement trouv 233 dans ces entr 233 es Fran 231 ais avoir fiscal Dans les listes Tax terms Suite Discussions du forum dont le titre comprend le s mot s quot tax rebate quot

Web It appears that this tax rebate was not available to other foreign manufacturers Il appara 238 t que cet abattement fiscal n 233 tait pas offert aux constructeurs 233 trangers The audiovisual industry also benefits from a 35 tax rebate L industrie de l audiovisuel b 233 n 233 ficie 233 galement d un abattement fiscal de 35 A new tax rebate for private health insurance Web 1 hour worked 1 service voucher which costs you 6 30 after a tax rebate of 30 1 heure prest 233 e 1 titre service qui vous revient 224 6 30 apr 232 s r 233 duction d imp 244 t de 30 Voir plus d exemples de traduction Anglais Fran 231 ais en contexte pour tax rebate

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Web a reduction in the amount of tax that has to be paid on something They are negotiating a property tax rebate for elderly home owners D 233 finition de tax rebate depuis le Cambridge Business English Dictionary 169 Cambridge University Press Exemples de tax rebate tax rebate Individuals must apply annually for this state funded tax rebate Web rebate n discount on product rabais m on tax d 233 gr 232 vement m on rent r 233 duction f refund remboursement m rate rebate n British formerly d 233 gr 232 vement m sur la taxe d habitation rent rebate n r 233 duction f de loyer

Web 1 d 233 c 2022 nbsp 0183 32 Observers sometimes refer to a quot tax rebate quot as a refund of taxpayer money after a retroactive tax decrease These measures are more immediate than tax refunds because governments can enact them Web a reduction in the amount of tax that has to be paid on something They are negotiating a property tax rebate for elderly home owners Definition of tax rebate from the Cambridge Business English Dictionary 169 Cambridge University Press

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Web traduction tax rebates dans le dictionnaire Anglais Fran 231 ais de Reverso voir aussi rebate rebadge relate rates conjugaison expressions idiomatiques Web giveback tax refund Fran 231 ais r 233 faction ristourne avoir fiscal rabot remise de fin d ann 233 e Synonymes allowance deduction partial refund discount abatement Suite Collocations rebate programs coupons fill out a rebate form a tax mail in cash product shipping rebate Suite

Web an amount of money that is returned to you especially by the government for example when you have paid too much tax a tax rebate SMART Vocabulary mots et locutions associ 233 s Taxation amortizable anti dumping anti progressive anti tax bedroom tax financial year fiscal year flat tax gas tax HMRC sales tax self assessment shelter sin tax source Web De tr 232 s nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant quot rebate definition quot Dictionnaire fran 231 ais anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions fran 231 aises


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Tax Rebate English French Dictionary WordReference rebate
Web WR Reverse 1 WordReference English French Dictionary 169 2022 Un oubli important Signalez une erreur ou sugg 233 rez une am 233 lioration tax rebate 233 galement trouv 233 dans ces entr 233 es Fran 231 ais avoir fiscal Dans les listes Tax terms Suite Discussions du forum dont le titre comprend le s mot s quot tax rebate quot

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Tax Rebate Translation In French English French Dictionary Reverso
Web It appears that this tax rebate was not available to other foreign manufacturers Il appara 238 t que cet abattement fiscal n 233 tait pas offert aux constructeurs 233 trangers The audiovisual industry also benefits from a 35 tax rebate L industrie de l audiovisuel b 233 n 233 ficie 233 galement d un abattement fiscal de 35 A new tax rebate for private health insurance


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Tax Rebate Def - Web a reduction in the amount of tax that has to be paid on something They are negotiating a property tax rebate for elderly home owners D 233 finition de tax rebate depuis le Cambridge Business English Dictionary 169 Cambridge University Press Exemples de tax rebate tax rebate Individuals must apply annually for this state funded tax rebate