What Does 6 49 Mean What does Luke 6 49 mean Luke ends Jesus Sermon on the Plain with a warning to those who call Him Lord but don t obey Him Luke 6 46 In short those two descriptions are
Obedience is not optional because those who do not obey Christ face sudden and final destruction 6 49 As you consider the man who built his house without a foundation But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation The moment the torrent struck that house it collapsed and its destruction was complete New
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The parable about the wise and foolish builders in Luke 6 46 49 is not just about hearing what Jesus says but is primarily about doing what He instructs What does Luke 6 49 mean Read commentary on this popular Bible verse and understand the real meaning behind God s Word using John Gill s Exposition of the Bible
Our response is to submit to His Lordship The Greek word use here for Lord is kurios which means supreme in authority controller master Since Jesus Christ is Lord Answer In John 6 53 57 Jesus says Very truly I tell you unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you have no life in you Whoever eats my flesh
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What does John 6 49 mean When Jesus initially claimed that He is the Bread of Life and that eternal life was offered only to those who believe in Him the people were indignant They Unleash God s Word Blessings and Woes He went down with them and stood on a level place A large crowd of his disciples was there and a great number of people from
Jesus is challenging the crowd to commit to what He commands accept that following Him will bring persecution and forgive their abusers He promises that if they do this their lives will be What does Luke 6 46 Mean Verse Meaning This is a very brief condensation of a parable that Matthew recorded more fully Matthew s interest in it connects with the mention of false
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What does Luke 6 49 mean Luke ends Jesus Sermon on the Plain with a warning to those who call Him Lord but don t obey Him Luke 6 46 In short those two descriptions are

Obedience is not optional because those who do not obey Christ face sudden and final destruction 6 49 As you consider the man who built his house without a foundation

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What Does 6 49 Mean - Luke 6 46 49 Two Contrasting Foundations BIG IDEA SPIRITUAL SECURITY COMES FROM OBEYING THE WORD OF THE LORD INTRODUCTION This is one of the simplest