Xcel Energy Peak Hours Energy pricing is determined by the following time periods On Peak and Off Peak On Peak Period Weekdays between 9 a m and 9 p m You can save money by using less electricity during the on peak times when electricity is more expensive Off Peak Period Any time between 9 p m and 9 a m on weekdays plus all day on weekends and select holidays
Helping customers save money during off peak times There are three time periods On Peak Hours Weekdays between 3 p m and 7 p m excluding holidays Mid Peak Hours Weekdays between 1 p m and 3 p m excluding holidays Off Peak Hours Daily between 7 p m and 1 p m and weekends Off peak hours What are peak vs off peak electricity hours Your electric bill is based on a charge per kilowatt hour kWh so you re billed for actual electricity pulled from the grid Under TOU rate plans your utility charges you more for electricity usage during afternoon peak hours when the electricity demand is higher also known as peak demand
Xcel Energy Peak Hours
Xcel Energy Peak Hours
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Limited Off Peak Period Daily between 10 p m and 6 30 a m Typical appliances include thermal storage heating radiant floor heating or electric water heating all of which can store heat at night for use the following day Limited Off Peak Pricing Basic Service Charge 4 95 Off Peak Period 0 03660 On Peak Period 0 3400 TIME OF DAY sAVInGs You can enjoy significant savings on your electric bill by choosing to run your appliances and charge your electric vehicle EV during selected off peak hours Plus weekends and certain holidays are always off peak 24 hours a day an added convenience when you need it the most
Mid peak Weekdays 1 3 p m and 7 9 p m excluding holidays Off peak Daily 9 p m 1 p m the next day plus all day weekends and holidays Electricity is priced at the lowest rate during the off peak period while the mid peak and on peak periods are more expensive to reflect the true cost of producing electricity during high demand On peak 1 to 7 p m Monday Friday June through September Holidays that fall on a weekday are on peak from 1 to 7 p m Shift appliances away from these hours to off peak periods Off peak All periods not covered under on peak All weekends and holidays that fall on weekends are off peak Energy and Demand Charges 0 167315 per kWh for all
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On Peak Hours Weekdays between 3 p m and 7 p m excluding holidays Mid Peak Hours Weekdays between 1 p m and 3 p m excluding holidays Off Peak Hours Daily before 1 p m and after 7 p m plus weekends and holidays Off peak hours provide the greatest cost savings opportunity Time of Use Rates Detail Our Time of Use TOU plan allows customers to shift their heavy energy usage to off peak hours hours outside of on peak hours On peak hours are defined as 1 PM 7 PM Monday Friday from June through September
Rates would be slightly less during the mid peak period from 1 p m to 3 p m on weekdays and the lowest off peak rates will run from 7 p m through the night and early morning hours until Xcel has asked state utility regulators to let it switch Minnesota electric customers to variable rates which on summer weekdays would be seven times more expensive from 3 8 p m than between midnight and 6 a m and nearly twice as expensive as all other hours
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Energy pricing is determined by the following time periods On Peak and Off Peak On Peak Period Weekdays between 9 a m and 9 p m You can save money by using less electricity during the on peak times when electricity is more expensive Off Peak Period Any time between 9 p m and 9 a m on weekdays plus all day on weekends and select holidays
Helping customers save money during off peak times There are three time periods On Peak Hours Weekdays between 3 p m and 7 p m excluding holidays Mid Peak Hours Weekdays between 1 p m and 3 p m excluding holidays Off Peak Hours Daily between 7 p m and 1 p m and weekends Off peak hours

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Xcel Energy Peak Hours - Mid peak Weekdays 1 3 p m and 7 9 p m excluding holidays Off peak Daily 9 p m 1 p m the next day plus all day weekends and holidays Electricity is priced at the lowest rate during the off peak period while the mid peak and on peak periods are more expensive to reflect the true cost of producing electricity during high demand