Dudley Council Tax Reduction Dementia Households containing people with reduced mental capacity who are severely mentally impaired including people diagnosed with dementia may be entitled to a reduction in
Dudley MBC Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2024 25 PDF 1 36MB This scheme reduces the Council Tax low income households must pay Check out how to apply for a Council Tax discount for people with dementia A reduction in Council Tax for people who are severely mentally impaired SMI which includes many people with dementia The
Dudley Council Tax Reduction Dementia
Dudley Council Tax Reduction Dementia
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Some people affected by dementia are eligible for a discount on their council tax bill We look at who needs to pay council tax and the reductions discounts and exemptions It is sometimes possible to claim a reduction on the council tax bill if someone living in the property is assessed as being substantially and permanently disabled and requires
If someone in your household has dementia you ll likely find you re eligible for Council Tax Reduction which is essentially a discount on your bill or total exemption The severely mentally impaired SMI council tax discount is a reduction off of a household s council tax bill worth at a minimum 25 all the way up to in some
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The Dementia Gateway Service supports Dudley borough residents who are living with dementia We also support carers and family members Anyone worried about Family members of a 98 year old who was refunded 15 000 in council tax overpayments and had future bills axed due to her having vascular dementia have
If your loved one has dementia you may be eligible for a council tax reduction or exemption Find out how to claim the dementia council tax discount Each local authority has to run a Council tax support scheme also sometimes called a Council tax reduction scheme This provides support for people on a low income to
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https://www.dudley.gov.uk › ... › council-tax-reductions
Households containing people with reduced mental capacity who are severely mentally impaired including people diagnosed with dementia may be entitled to a reduction in

https://www.dudley.gov.uk › resident › your-council › ...
Dudley MBC Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2024 25 PDF 1 36MB This scheme reduces the Council Tax low income households must pay Check out how to apply for a

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Dudley Council Tax Reduction Dementia - The severely mentally impaired SMI council tax discount is a reduction off of a household s council tax bill worth at a minimum 25 all the way up to in some