Hmrc Child Tax Credit Overpayment Contact Number Phone Call HMRC to report changes that affect your tax credits if you have a general enquiry to find out if you qualify for tax credits You can use Relay UK if you cannot hear or speak
Contact details webchat and helplines for enquiries with HMRC on tax Self Assessment Child Benefit or tax credits including Welsh language services If the reason isn t clear or you can t find the overpayment letter call the tax credits helpline HM Revenue and Customs HMRC tax credits helpline Telephone 0345 300 3900
Hmrc Child Tax Credit Overpayment Contact Number
Hmrc Child Tax Credit Overpayment Contact Number
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HM Revenue and Customs HMRC tax credits helpline Telephone 0345 300 3900 Relay UK if you can t hear or speak on the phone you can type what you want to say 18001 then 0345 300 3900 Anyone with an overpayment or compliance check issue can contact the Tax Credit Helpline on 0345 300 3900 or by writing to the Tax Credit Office at Tax Credit Office Preston PR1
It might not be clear in the letter why HMRC thinks you ve been overpaid so for more details call the tax credits helpline HM Revenue and Customs HMRC tax credits helpline Telephone 0345 300 3900 Relay UK if you can t hear or speak on the phone you can type what you want to say 18001 then 0345 300 3900 Face to face Extra help when contacting HMRC Acting on behalf of someone else Overview HMRC have various channels you can use to contact them about tax credits including digital webchat telephone and post The main contact details are available on the GOV UK website
Download Hmrc Child Tax Credit Overpayment Contact Number
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There is more information about the HMRC App on the GOV UK website Telephone The main telephone number is the tax credit helpline 0345 300 3900 NGT text relay for anyone who cannot hear or speak on the phone dial 18001 then 0345 300 3900 From abroad you can ring 44 2890 538 192 It encourages claimants to contact HMRC s payment helpline on 0345 302 1429 Step 2 Debt passed to Debt Management and Banking DM If no response is received to the TC610 the debt will be passed from the tax credit processing system to Debt Management s IDMS system
Financial help if you have children Tax credit overpayments repaying tax credits repayment methods what to do if you cannot repay To request the notice call the helpline on 0345 300 3900 If you do not agree that you were overpaid you can request a mandatory reconsideration using Form WTC AP For more information see the Mandatory reconsideration section that follows
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Phone Call HMRC to report changes that affect your tax credits if you have a general enquiry to find out if you qualify for tax credits You can use Relay UK if you cannot hear or speak
Contact details webchat and helplines for enquiries with HMRC on tax Self Assessment Child Benefit or tax credits including Welsh language services

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Hmrc Child Tax Credit Overpayment Contact Number - If a claimant does not understand why they have an overpayment they should contact HMRC s tax credit helpline An explanation may be given over the phone In some cases claimants may need to write to HMRC for a