Hmrc Tax Credit Overpayment Helpline Phone Call HMRC to report changes that affect your tax credits if you have a general enquiry to find out if you qualify for tax credits You can use Relay UK if you cannot
They should say why they think you ve been overpaid when they write to tell you about the overpayment If the reason isn t clear or you can t find the overpayment letter call the Anyone with an overpayment or compliance check issue can contact the Tax Credit Helpline on 0345 300 3900 or by writing to the Tax Credit Office at Tax Credit Office
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Hmrc Tax Credit Overpayment Helpline
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It might not be clear in the letter why HMRC thinks you ve been overpaid so for more details call the tax credits helpline HM Revenue and Customs HMRC tax credits If you can t find your overpayment letter call the tax credits helpline to find out how HMRC want you to pay the overpayment back HM Revenue and Customs HMRC tax credits
Updated on 6 April 2024 Contacting HMRC about tax credits This page explains the different ways you can contact HMRC about tax credits and the support HMRC can If you think that HM Revenue and Customs HMRC made a mistake or gave you the wrong advice and that led to the overpayment you can dispute recovery of the overpayment
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If you do not qualify you may get a notice to pay or you may be paying back an overpayment directly In this you should call the tax credits payments helpline to ask I have tried to ring both the payment helpline and the tax credit helpline but no one answers I can t see why you have decided to pursue or even if it s correct What
Call HMRC if you re finding it hard to repay a tax credit overpayment you may get more time You ll need your tax credit reference number Posted Tue 30 May 2023 14 12 27 GMT by Marco Morelli According to the last 3 tax returns HMRC should return me 787 256 and 531 I ve been trying to call since last
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Overpayments And Underpayments How Do Tax Credits Work Guidance
Phone Call HMRC to report changes that affect your tax credits if you have a general enquiry to find out if you qualify for tax credits You can use Relay UK if you cannot
They should say why they think you ve been overpaid when they write to tell you about the overpayment If the reason isn t clear or you can t find the overpayment letter call the

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Hmrc Tax Credit Overpayment Helpline - It might not be clear in the letter why HMRC thinks you ve been overpaid so for more details call the tax credits helpline HM Revenue and Customs HMRC tax credits