How To Get Smog Exempt In California

How To Get Smog Exempt In California Smog inspections are required when you register or renew registration for a vehicle in California but there are some exceptions Your vehicle does not need a smog inspection if your Gasoline powered vehicle is a 1975 year model or older This includes motorcycles and trailers

Smog Test Exceptions When you register or renew your vehicle registration in California smog inspections are required although there are some exceptions A 1975 or older model of a gasoline powered vehicle is This includes motorcycles and trailers The State of California will allow Income Eligible applicants the opportunity to register their vehicles through the DMV and receive registration tags stickers for two consecutive years without passing the smog inspection and without a smog check certificate

How To Get Smog Exempt In California


How To Get Smog Exempt In California


Smog Test Center California Smog Check Center Smog Check California


California Smog Check Requirements By Vehicle Type Vehicle Import And

Both diesel and gasoline powered out of state vehicles require a smog check for initial California registration and every two years thereafter See exemptions below 1975 Older Exempt Under the old smog laws 1975 and subsequent model year vehicles became exempt from Smog Check when they turned 30 years old 30 year rolling exemption If you received notification from the DMV that your vehicle needs a smog check but you assume you are excluded contact the center to obtain a verification of exemption Smog exempt vehicles may include Vehicles built in 1975 or earlier Classic vehicles Newer cars vehicles produced over the last six years

In California smog inspections are mandatory for most vehicles but California s Bureau of Automotive Repair BAR exempts specific counties to avoid these tests Smog exemptions exist primarily in areas where air quality meets the standards set by the California Air Resources Board CARB Emissions smog inspections are required for most gasoline powered vehicles registered in the state of California unless exempt Vehicles registered in areas subject to the biennial smog certification program are required to undergo testing for every other registration renewal

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Smog Check Exemptions for California Drivers Some California drivers are exempt from the biennial emissions test Look below for possible exemptions to see if you can avoid testing your vehicle Classic vehicles Vehicles manufactured in 1975 or prior Newer automobiles Vehicles manufactured in the last six years While most vehicles registered in California are required to pass a smog check every two years several exemptions apply Below are the primary categories of vehicles that may be exempt from the program 1 Newer Vehicles Exemption Criteria Gasoline powered vehicles that are less than eight model years old are exempt from biennial smog checks

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Smog Inspections California DMV › portal › vehicle-registration › smog-inspection
Smog inspections are required when you register or renew registration for a vehicle in California but there are some exceptions Your vehicle does not need a smog inspection if your Gasoline powered vehicle is a 1975 year model or older This includes motorcycles and trailers

Smog Test Center California Smog Check Center Smog Check California
How Old Does A Car Have To Be To Not Be Smogged In California › how-old-does-a-car...
Smog Test Exceptions When you register or renew your vehicle registration in California smog inspections are required although there are some exceptions A 1975 or older model of a gasoline powered vehicle is This includes motorcycles and trailers


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