Steam Positive Rating Mixed with those numbers make no sense except at 50 once it hits 51 or 49 then it is mostly positive or mostly negative Really they should remove the word mostly they should pick different words for after mixed and before very like 51 69 be something like Slightly Positive
Rating is required to have at least 10 reviews now other then that this should be still the same 1 Britannicus Jan 10 2019 5 57pm 90 sure an 80 rating is also Very Positiveonce enough ratings are in 2 Rhyming Rogue Jan 19 2019 11 51pm Thanks for the chart I was kind of curious myself Steam Rating 97 0 Positive 25k Reviews Some may dispute HoloCure Save the Fans s place among the best Steam games particularly with fewer than 15 000 players having rated it at the time
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Club 250 is the Steam 250 member s club aggregating all 125 million reviews on Steam to produce full ranking history for each game Joining Club 250 grants access to more features including our popular Custom Ranking tool historical charting automatically marking owned Steam games in rankings game owners and sales estimates based on Community Discord Join the Steam 250 community on Discord from the web your desktop mobile or all three at once Steam curator Follow our official Steam curator page to access game rankings directly from the Steam store Automatically updated every day Cookie notice Steam 250 only stores strictly necessary cookies if any However our
Fortunately the solution is simple My recommendation Rename sort by user rating to sort by popularity Add a true sort by user rating option using Evan Miller s method Here s an example of how Evan Miller s method would affect the rankings of the top 25 games on Steam Portal 2 would shoot up 17 ranks and Counter Strike GO would At 100 reviews 25 1000 reviews 12 5 and so forth So given a game with 100 reviews of which 90 are positive we re 25 uncertain that this 90 is the correct rating So we re 75 certain that it is the correct rating In other words 75 of the final rating is 90 and the other 25 is the average rating of 50 which also nicely
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Mixed with those numbers make no sense except at 50 once it hits 51 or 49 then it is mostly positive or mostly negative Really they should remove the word mostly they should pick different words for after mixed and before very like 51 69 be something like Slightly Positive
Rating is required to have at least 10 reviews now other then that this should be still the same 1 Britannicus Jan 10 2019 5 57pm 90 sure an 80 rating is also Very Positiveonce enough ratings are in 2 Rhyming Rogue Jan 19 2019 11 51pm Thanks for the chart I was kind of curious myself
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